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A Five Element Approach

I use a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach to clarify which organ energy channels are out of balance; this diagnostic tool comprises 8 Principles and Five Elements.


The aim of the Five Element approach is for you to feel not just physiologically or physically better, but emotionally better too.  It’s all about coming back into optimal balance, (not just a normal range), and feeling like you again.


A lot of people don’t realise how stressed they were, until they have experienced a session and find they are feeling a whole lot better.


Do you have to believe in it for it to work?  

No, it is not a belief system.  This is a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach, which is 5000 years old in knowledge and experience (compared to approx 180 years of Western medicine; it also works well alongside modern medicine).



Tell me more about the 8 Principles and Five Element Approach

The 8 Principles consist of Cold/Heat, Deficiency/Excess, Yin/Yang and Internal/External; as a TCM Practitioner, it’s my role to ascertain the bigger picture of you and your health and I use the 8 principles to ascertain the status quo.


When you’re out of balance, you don’t feel so good and if you stay that way for a while, your health starts to suffer.


We consist of Five Elements, which are Fire, Earth, Water, Metal and Wood.  Each of these is associated with 2-4 organs and their energy channels.  Depending on who you are, one of those Elements is always slightly out of kilter from the rest.  That’s where your physiological, psychological and emotional attributes come from.   As a TCM Practitioner, I can bring you back into balance using a variety of modalities, such as breath work, yoga, meditation, massage, acupressure and myofascial release.  I find it also has a profound effect when someone feels heard and seen for who they fundamentally are.


Quite often, I find that people present with many different symptoms but most of them are interrelated and correlate with a specific Element.  By regulating your nervous system and bringing the Element back into balance, many other symptoms fade away.  For example, the Metal Element is associated with the emotion of grief, and also has connections to the breath and skin.  Or perhaps, the Heart Element is out of balance, and you also suffer from insomnia, anxiety and maybe palpitations.


If you have any questions, do get in touch.  I’d love to talk to you.  We can start with a free discovery call.

Claygate Yoga Clinic

for health, healing and happiness

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