Our Wellness Solutions
At Claygate Yoga Clinic, we are passionate about helping people release stress and handle challenge with ease, so that they can perform at their best.​​
Our happy clients include Parliament, Women in Banking and Finance (Wibf), 7 Skills for the Future, and Fidelity International.
Popular Workshops
Our Webinars, Workshops and 12 Week Health Programmes draw on a wealth of knowledge from modern science, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Nutrition, Yoga and Ayurveda in addition to experience in corporate and science environments.
We also offer group and self-funded Health Support Programmes for:
Sleep RecoveryTM, | Chronic Fatigue, Long Covid & Burnout | Female Health | Cancer & Beyond | Mental Health & Wellness.
Let's talk
I like to start with a conversation so that I can understand your business culture and wellbeing needs.
for health, healing and happiness