Are you struggling with post-viral fatigue, brain fog or brain injury such as stroke, or simply feel like you've been fighting germs for weeks?

Bhramari, or Humming Bee Breath, with Extended Exhale has been proven to have significant effects on your physiology and can be really useful for post-viral fatigue. A correct practice induces alpha brain waves, lowers cortisol (the stress hormone), improves the immune response, physiological healing and overall wellness. A high pitch sound gives better results.
Modified bhramari breath with extended exhale optimises the CO2 level in blood, tissue and cellular level leading to revitalisation. Other benefits include instantly calming down the mind, freeing the mind of agitation, frustration or anxiety and anger to a great extent.
Bhramari Breath dramatically increases the uptake of Nitric Oxide in the Lungs by 15 fold, while the Extended Exhale reduces the level of carbon dioxide. Humming acts as a sonic cleanser of the respiratory tract, while the sound vibrations increase the vital capacity.
It is so effective that London hospitals use this breathing technique as part of their stroke rehabilitation techniques. During 2004 (SARS-CoV) pandemic role of nitric oxide in its management is well demonstrated. Nitric Oxide (NO) reversed pulmonary hypertension, improved severe hypoxia and shortened the stay in ICU and ventilatory support. Nitric Oxide increased the survival rate of patients in hospital with Covid-19.
Why Is Nitric Oxide So Important?
NO is a key biological messenger which plays an important role in various biological processes at the cellular level. It is a relaxing factor, with anti-inflammatory properties and contributes to the body's defence against bacteria, viruses, fungal and parasitic infections. It improves the oxygen uptake in the lungs and provides relief from bronchial asthma. NO inhibits viral protein and RNA (like DNA for a virus) and reduces the replication of carbon dioxide.
How To Do Modified Bhramari Breath - I recommend asking a yoga teacher to guide you through in order to do it safely and for optimal results.
Find a comfortable seat in a calm place, eyes closed,
relaxed mood with a smile on face
Bring your gaze to the third eye, ajna chakra, between the eyebrows
Inhale slowly, expanding the belly
Press the tongue on the roof of the mouth and hold the breath
Keep your mouth closed, relax your jaw
Place your hands over your ears to seal them*
Exhale-Hum, and visualise the whole body charging with vitality.
Feel the energy tingling in your body
Hold the breath out for the maximum comfortable duration, and feel the whole body revitalising.
Say to yourself, I am relaxed, I am healthy, I am happy, I am well
*You may wish to use the classical yoga finger placement, as follows:
Thumbs close the ears
Index fingers close the eyes, the tip resting on the side of the nose
Middle fingers on the flaring aspect of the nose
Ring fingers close the upper lip
Little fingers close the lower lip
Repeat for 5-30 minutes.
Let me know if you need any help! Let's book a chat
This is the time to learn Modified Bhramari Breath, and to share with your parents, relatives and friends, especially those who are more vulnerable. Please get in touch if you would like me to teach you.
Source regarding the use of bharami breath to improve survival rates of Covid-19 patients