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Thank you

"I came home feeling fully re-set and have definitely been sleeping better since.   I am enjoying using some new recipes and have been doing some short yoga sessions at home on my days off in an attempt to maintain that inner calm.  Thank you both for a lovely retreat and all the ideas that have come from it for me".

Retreat Guest, Sleep & Nutrition Retreat, Sep 2023


"While in your company, life is full of goodness and happy thoughts.  And I'm grateful for the times I get to share in this"

Group Yoga and One2One, Feb 2024

This is for you


Are you looking for natural ways to improve your health and happiness?  Do you find yourself constantly juggling multiple priorities - looking after ageing parents, dealing with teenagers and the transition to university, managing the home and your own work life?


At the same time, hormones are changing and various symptoms are coming up.  Maybe you're not sleeping well, not eating well, always racing the from one thing to another and looking after family and friends in need.


How do you keep on top of it all?  Who looks after you?


This is your healing space and we're here to give you all the support, insights and the well deserved retreat that you need so that you can feel like you again.



"It's not yoga that heals you.  It's you that heals you."

Tara Stiles, founder of Strala Yoga

Claygate Yoga Clinic

for health, healing and happiness

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